Sunday, October 08, 2006

Busy Saturday

Today started early with a work day at the church. The men worked on the soffits and fascia and the Man-Cub and I replaced all the hymnals with the new ELW’s. The sanctuary looked so nice with all the new red hymnals in the pews. We had lunch at the church and then set up our Operation Christmas Child table and got the shoe boxes labeled and ready to be picked up and filled. Go here for more information - it’s a great cause. Then the Man-Cub and I went to several stores to get the goodies for the boxes.

It’s always a lot of fun and he gets to pick the stuffed animals and toys. He’s always so generous and wants to put in way more stuff than the little box can hold.

We came back by the church and set up Communion for tomorrow, and then picked some goodies from the garden for a bit of supper

– not much and nothing fancy – Cornbread – Harvard Beets and Beet Greens – and Nanny’s sweet potatoes (they didn’t make it into the picture – but I’ll post the recipe and a picture later – they are soooo yummy). It’s funny about beet greens, because I never once had them down south – I had beets usually pickled – but we never ate the greens – it doesn’t make sense.

Harvard Beets

About 2 lbs. of beets
1/3 cup of vinegar – I use Apple Cider
2 T sugar
1 T cornstarch – I mix it in a cup with some of the liquid from the beets then pour it back into the pot to thicken slightly/
Dash of pepper

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