Monday, October 02, 2006

End of Summer

Our garden is almost done for the year - we still have the cool weather crops - beets, onions, carrots and turnips. The garden did amazingly well for such a dry year.

I'll fry the last little green ones, and the rest will make the last juicy sandwiches we'll have for a long while.

The weather is still gorgeous - I went for a run with Jack today at lunchtime - he's getting better running on the leash - he doesn't jump on me and trip me up as much - but if he's interested in smelling something I still have to drag him along.

We had our first Den meeting tonight - this is a fast and furious game of Ships & Subs - it's a ball tag game - the ships have to stay on an x on the floor and the sub can move anywhere. It was a good meeting.

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