Thursday, December 28, 2006

Ice Skating = Fun Times

I don't know if I mentionned that I got ice skates for Christmas - Yay! It took quite a bit of searching to find vegetarian ice skates - even the ones with pvc uppers had a leather lining - but these have a tricot lining and they are pretty comfortable - These came from Amazon and a store called Skatebuys.

I've been ice skating about 3 times in my life - if you don't count the strap on skates we used to skate on the pond in the horse pasture when we were little - it's amazing that it used to freeze solid enough for that - Global Warming - I guess. Anyway - we went ice skating during family skate night last night and we're going again tonight. The Man-Cub already had skates - and he had a ball skating. There's also an outdoor rink that is only about 4 blocks from our house - so we'll be bundling up and going there after the Christmas break - then they will only have family skating on the weekends.

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