Friday, January 12, 2007

Baked Tofu and the very busy week...

This is one of those crazy weeks - In addition to work:

Cub Scouts - Monday 6:30 - I already blogged about that...
Birthday luncheon at the nursing home - each month a birthday luncheon is served for everyone who has a birthday that month - I read a poem and helped serve the cake and punch and coffee. - Tuesday 2:00 PM
Tae Kwon Do - Tuesday 5:30 PM - this is every week - I know - but it still adds to the busy-ness of the week
Mentor Program - Tuesday 7:00 PM - the Man-Cub's school has a mentor program for new families - to help them know about the routines and extra programs at school - The mentors met Tuesday to go over all the programs and events for the new year so that we can be informed when we talk to our "mentees".
LYO - Wednesday 5:00 PM - our Youth group meets every Wednesday right after Confirmation classes - there are 14 nice young people in the group - we made these string crosses

and these bird houses - it was a lot of fun - you never know about crafts and teenagers - some work and some don't - but these were fun.

Both photos from

Tae Kwon Do again - Thursday 5:30
PTO - Thursday 6:30 - I'm always a little late to this because I can't get the Man-Cub home from TKD and back to the school by 6:30

So - I'm really looking forward to the weekend and a chance to catch my breath.

I had gotten 4 blocks of extra firm tofu while I was in the metropolis - haha - over the weekend and one of my favorite ways to eat tofu - is simply baked with a little EVOO and then sprinkled with soy sauce.

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