Monday, January 29, 2007

Roasted Veggies

Sorry about the lack of posting over the weekend - I had to play the organ at Church on Sunday and that always stresses me out and I have to practice every spare minute. It went well enough - and for a late lunch I made Roasted Veggies.

This is just a jumble of root veggies from my garden last year.

Parsnips - I'm not a big fan of parsnips - but a few in this dish are nice

A couple of Tablespoons of Balsamic Vinegar - and that's it - roast covered at about 400 until tender and carmelized. I love the little roaster too - the Man gave it to me years ago for Christmas - it's from Williams Sonoma and I don't know if they still make them. At some point I broke the little knob off the top - it's an onion bulb - and we had to find a special high temperature epoxy to glue it back on - but I would probably have kept it even without the knob.

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