Friday, March 09, 2007

Finishing Touches

The Man-Cub is out of school today - for their one-day "Spring Break" - haha - We've still got about 2 feet of snow on the ground. That's OK though - spring is definitely on the way - it got above freezing yesterday and will again today - Yay!

So the Man-Cub put some finishing touches on his derby car - all that's left is the clear coat. We are firm believers in the "Do Your Best" motto - and the Man-Cub has done as much work on the car as it was safe for him to do. I know he will be competing against some "Dad-built" cars - but this is his own design - we even let him use the dremel tool a little bit this time - and he can handle a coping saw as well - all the sanding and painting are his own handiwork and he's very proud of his car.

The Derby is Sunday...

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