Wednesday, May 16, 2007

...and we had a GREAT FALL...

Jack and I that is...

You probably already know that I run with Jack - our Parson Russell Terrier - usually about a mile a day. Normally, he's a leash-length in front of me - probably wishing that he was even further in front - judging by the way he pulls on the leash. I had never really thought I was in any danger running this way - Now I know differently...

Somehow he crossed in front of me and we got tangled up and I fell - I was running and I fell hard on the pavement - and because of the way I was holding the leash I don't think that I was able to break my fall properly and my face came into contact with the pavement. I managed to hobble home and take some pics -

Gruesome pictures follow...

The Man says it will be worse tomorrow...
I'm off to take some aspirin...

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