Thursday, June 07, 2007

Soggy-Cold Knights

We spent the day at the Knights of the Round Table Cub Scout Day Camp. The high temperature today was about 46 and the wind and rain was gusting 40-50 mph. I teach Archery at Day Camp so I was outside in it all day. The other activities were all moved inside, but the lucky BB Gun and Arhcery instructors got to stay outside yelling over the wind all day. Needless to say the 1 1/2 hour drive home was a warm-up. I had to drive a strange SUV - I'm not accustomed to these behemoths at all and with the wind and the rain I'm surprised the trip didn't take twice as long.

OK - I'm through complaining - the Scouts had a lot of fun - and I'm really blessed to be able to teach Archery as it brings so much JOY to the boys.

I wasn't able to get many pictures of the Man-Cub - but here he is learning to fold a flag - we actually already did this as a den - but I'm sure it was fun to do it with real live soldiers.

One of the few crafts caught on tape - The Man-Cub decorates a Jumping Jack.


  1. Those boys do look intent. Very nice to have real soldiers and lots of activities. See you soon. E

  2. Anonymous7:08 AM

    How FUN, and there is nothing happier than a boy and a weapon. :) Archery is a blast!

  3. hey, looks just like some of my cub scout memories!! (except mine were during the spring/summer and 80 degree + weather!) see ya in a few!! love, k
