Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Scouting is ON

We had our Scout Night and it went very well. We signed on 16 new scouts - 3 new Webelos in my den - so that makes 9 - yikes - but I'm happy about the new guys - the more the merrier I always say...

I set up a table with scouting goodies...

The parents met with our Committee Chair...

The boys made paper airplanes for a race...

and had some practice runs...

We also played a drop the coin in the bucket game - the boys stood on a step stool and held a quarter on the end of a ruler and tried to drop it into a coffee can - if they got it in they got to keep the quarter.

And a game like musical chairs - called "submarine dive" - we had plastic fishes - one less than the number of boys - spaced out on the floor - the boys walk around the fishes until they hear the words "submarine dive-dive-dive" and then they "dive" and try and bring up a fish.

Large fun was had by all.

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