Thursday, October 11, 2007


I've been using up my apple peelings and scraps from the drying process to make jelly. Nothing really special - the normal setup - for sterilizing the jars and rings etc...

It has to boil for a really long time...

It's a really pretty reddish-pink...

Mom's old (twice hand-me-down - this belonged to Vivian first) cookbook - recipe bottom left...

A well loved and well used cookbook...

The pretty pinkish jelly in jars...

Apple Jelly is one of the things that I've never been happy with a purchased version - most 'boughten' Jams or Jellies (grape-peach-currant-apricot) - seem fine to me - but not apple - it always seems rubbery and I like it nice and soft - like mine...

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