Monday, December 24, 2007

Gingerbread House

We actually made our Gingerbread House the same day as we made the Gingerbread Christmas Tree - I just never posted any pictures of it - we've been too busy and too many other fun things to post about. Not that this wasn't fun - of course it was...

This is the mold - from Williams Sonoma - about as old as the Man-Cub - maybe 9 or 10 Christmases...

I use my handy dandy little roller thingy to mash the dough into the mold...

You bake 2 sets of this side...

...and one set of this side...

The Man-Cub is getting to be quite good at the little icing squirter thingy and decided that a dusting of 'snow' was the only thing our house needed.

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