Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A Perfect Christmas

A perfect Christmas would begin when my lazy eyes opened to the early morning light reflecting with a hint of blue off of the snow, and then I would hear two little feet (not so little any more) hit the floor in another room and come pattering up the hallway, quietly opening the door and coming around to my side of the bed to nuzzle me awake (I'm pretending to be asleep still) with whispers of 'I'm ready to go open presents now'...then climbing into bed for a quick snuggle. Then the Man would start a pot of coffee (Teeccino) brewing to make the house smell awake, and the Man-Cub would dump his stocking out on the floor to find nuts, an orange, an apple, some small candies and a large candy cane, and a couple of small wrapped presents. He would tear into these while the Man and I sip some coffee on the couch and knowing in advance all the eating we'd be doing - we would start light with Cheerios and bananas. Then the Man-Cub would sort all the presents into piles for each person and the present opening would begin in earnest - with lots of ooohs and aaaahs and thank you's captured on video and film. Then all the new clothes would be tried on and oooh'ed and aaaah'ed over again and all of the wrappings would be sorted for recycling and carried to the bins in the garage. The breakfast dishes would be washed and a quick veggie burger lunch would be prepared complete with home made fries cut on a new mandoline...
Then, it would be time to bundle up and play in the snow - more pictures would be taken and then we'd warm up and drink soy cocoa laced with peppermint and talk on the phone to family members far away...then we'd bundle up again and head to the snow hill and there'd be lots of people there trying out new sleds and snowboards...and a friend for the Man-Cub to sled/race with...then we'd come home for a warm bath and the 'Roast Beast' would be baking away in the oven beside the sweet potato casserole and the Angel Biscuits would be rising on the back of the stove and the whole house would smell all yummy and warm...the Man would watch an old Clint Eastwood movie and the Man-Cub and I would play a new computer game...then a pretty table would be set with the old blue and white dishes out of the china cabinet and we'd open a bottle of sparkling cider and toast a perfect Christmas and then we'd stuff ourselves full of good food and then stand in a row at the sink with the Man-Cub on a chair washing rinsing and drying the good dishes and putting them back in the China cabinet...then the Man-Cub would don new pajamas and slippers and sit in between his mama and papa on the sofa to watch Mary Poppins in the glowing light of a tree now bare underneath...then we'd all sigh a contented sigh and take our sleepy selves to bed...

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