Sunday, May 18, 2008

Another Prayer Shawl - for a man this time...

It's sort of funny that all of the prayer shawls I've made so far have been for women...

This one is for a man - I knit the body in a really simple stockinette stitch pattern - it's St St for 20 rows ending with a knit row - then knit one row - then St St for 20 rows ending with a knit row - then St St for 40 rows ending with a knit row - then St St for 40 rows ending with a knit row - then St St for 20 rows ending with a knit row and one last time St St for 20 rows ending with a knit row - the crocheted border was so that the ladies who don't knit could help - we often pass the prayer shawls around at WELCA so that everyone can participate...

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