Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Our Friend Buck

We've always had a small herd of deer in our backyard - aka the wide open space North and East of our house...

We always assumed there was a Buck to go with the 30 or so does - but we had never seen him...


  1. i was going to say that he would make a good dinner . . . then i remembered that you are a vegan . .. *wry smile* -

    he is a good looking buck! what fun that you can watch them frolic in your back yard!

  2. Those are some nice looking deer! We only have puny little ones out here.

  3. yes, very pretty - was that taken at noon (haha) yes, they are all over the place here. i wonder if we would think of them so pleasantly if we all hadn't grown up sympathetic to "bambi" ? they really are pests around here - one of the leading causes of car accidents, actually. still pretty and graceful though, aren't they? love, k

  4. Hi everyone - He sure was pretty in the evening - we really like to watch them - we leave apples out for them to eat and corn later on in the winter when they don't have enough to eat.

  5. Anonymous12:49 AM

    I don't know what it is about a deer sighting but I always feel so peaceful. I used to work at a college near a highly populated deer area and my window looked out into a grassy area. There was a doe and two babies that would come and browse around all the time!
