Sunday, March 22, 2009

Final Pinewood Derby

The Pinewood Derby was late this year (it's normally in January so the Boy Scouts haven't yet graduated) so the Pack 'invited' the new Boy Scouts to come back and race as Webelos 2. I should have posted these preliminary pics sooner - but here is Scout sawing...


...finish sanding...



...finish painting...

...Voila - the finished car...

...tweaking with Papa and adding graphite...

...weighing in... 1/8 of an ounce over - we removed some weight...

...weighed in again and were an 1/8 of an ounce under (go figure) so we added the weight on top back - a perfect 5 ounces...

...added to the lineup...

...streaking down the track (it looks like I need to adjust some camera settings)...

...a really close one...

...the trophy table...

...only 3 of my former Cub Scouts came back for the race - more about their trophies later...

...It was a really fun and hectic day...

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