Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Robins Return

Can you see that little guy - there near the tree?

We still have plenty of snow and ice, but the birds are returning - so Spring can't be far away...

We can see patches of brown grass - Jack is thrilled...


  1. We had 20 robins in our tree yesterday! But ofcourse the rain has chased them away! It does bring one hope that this winter is so close to being over.

  2. i'm glad you're finally getting signs of spring! even though we've had some nice, warm days - our spring is still in slow motion. looking forward to 90 degrees, iam!! love, k

  3. Oh yes, I love spotting the first robins!

  4. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I love robins. I noticed them al l over the place here as well. I don't know why I love such a common bird but they are beautiful. We also have those little finches all over the place too.

    You have reminded me to go fill up my bird feeder.

  5. I hear you are in for another blizzard this week. Hope it's your last one and leave pretty quick. E
