Sunday, October 25, 2009

Red Willow

We took our 4th-5th-6th graders to Bible Camp - and they had a blast!
The weather was cool and breezy...
...we got there about 5 o'clock - so the kids couldn't wait for the dinner bell to ring...
...the pretty lake on an overcast and windy day...
...the chapel - I was expecting some fall colour - but I think all the leaves are going to die on the trees without changing colour...
...the Chapel bell...
...and empty tee pee...
...the fruit still hanging on the trees...
...a little bit of fall colour - red is not at all common up here...
...a pretty sunset...
...some sheltered fall flowers...
...some fun and games...
...a Bible bookmark project...
...I don't remember if I've shown you the mural with all of the different stages of the camp's development...
...this would have been a nice knitting nook if it weren't so chilly...
...the wind blew and blew...
...all the leaves on the ground....
...a little path to a cabin...
...there were a lot of pretty little bird houses...

...I'll post about my lovely room shortly...

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