Saturday, May 08, 2010

Why come nothing comes in glass anymore?...

When Scout was little and learning to talk in complete sentences and he wanted to ask the question 'Why?' - he would combine that with a southern colloquialism 'How come?' - and he would ask 'Why come?' - so cute - anywhooo - being the linguist that I am - of course I had to look up 'How come?' - fascinating...

...Oh how I digress...

...this post is really supposed to be about the sweet BIG glass jars that I scored after the Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet - yes I'm still the Cub Master and yes it was very late this year...
...apparently pickles are the only things still packaged in glass - I find that very sad somehow...

...Y'all know that when I do my big health food shopping in Grand Forks - I tote everything home in plastic bags - but I don't really want to store it that way - I much prefer to transfer everything into GLASS containers - so I'm very happy to have some big jars to hold some of the bulk items...

...YAY! for free glass storage jars...


  1. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I scour yard sales every summer for old glass jars. I love them and use them for all sorts of storage.

  2. They are really pretty too...not just plain old glass jars that you find nowadays...

  3. What a nice find!
    Wishing you a very Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Yeah for pickles ;-) Happy Mother's Day.

  5. Yeah, I hate storing bulk stuff in those plastic baggies too, I love the big glass jars! Happy Mother's Day!

  6. I love my old and new glass jars!

  7. I've been wondering the same thing lately! I've been storing food in glass jars now instead of plastic and hope to do more of it.

  8. that's soo true! evrything comes in plastic containes now.. it's sucks and it is bad for our enviornment!! :/

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