Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Adventures in Button Making...or My First Sculpey Button

...well...of course the Isabeau Purse needs a button...

...a big chunky purple one...yes?...

...Scout had bought a big block of Sculpey clay for his character I just 'borrowed' a little bit of that...

...kneaded that up...and got out some pigment from the stash...this is just GLOSS outdoor paint in red and blue... I'm no Sculpey I'm not even sure if you're supposed to be mixing things into it...but I mixed up some and blue makes purple...

...and started mixing that into the Sculpey...

...what I really wanted was a 'marbled effect' with the cream colour of the Sculpey and the purple...

...but that's not what I got - I must have mixed to much - because the entire thing became rather purple...

...I still like it though... I found a button about the size I wanted...and went on a search throughout the house for something round in that size...and I found it on Jacks shampoo bottle...

...I just used that lid like a cookie cutter...and cut out a little circle...

...see - it's the perfect size...

...I scraped away the excess Sculpey...

...poked a couple of holes with a knitting needle...

...put them (I made another little button with the leftover clay - I don't have any use for it right now - but I didn't want to waste it) on a ceramic au gratin dish...

...then thought that maybe you shouldn't put Sculpey on your dishes - so I lined the dish with some parchment...

...and made a little parchment tent to help regulate the temperature...

...and after about 20 minutes in the oven...they were done...

...I like the button on the Isabeau quite a lot...but I want it to be shiny...I like shiny buttons... I just slapped on a couple of coats of gloss polyurethane...

...which for some reason brings out a little bit more of the red...

...I'm still quite happy with my very first Sculpey button - I like his rustic little brother too...

...I think this button making thing could become addictive...


  1. What success! I love them.

  2. Anonymous11:27 AM

    They turned out great! I have a whole block of sculpy I should put it to good use.

  3. It looks so good! I made buttons last year and had the best time. Enjoy.

  4. oh, right, like you need another hobby!!

    love, k

  5. Those are very cute, I love that you can make ANYTHING! :)

  6. Wow are quite innovative! Those turned out wonderfully.

  7. I have never even heard of Sculpey, but you sure made good use of it. Button looks great on your purse. MOM

  8. Love the button, it will look spiffy on the purse.

  9. I like making buttons, too. I love the shine you added to yours, and the pretty color swirls.
