Saturday, November 26, 2011

We're Moving...

...I'm so glad I can finally let y'all in on a BIG secret...we'll be leaving our upper midwest home in mid-January and moving to the mountains of West Virginia...'s all happened so very quickly...but I couldn't tell y'all until we'd let the congregation know...and all that...nothing bad has happened we just want to be closer to our families in the mountains and foothills of North we'll be within an easy one day drive...

...I can't begin to tell you how emotional this all is...we've left a few congregations during our lives...but none that we were as loathe to leave as this one...we were welcomed as family here and it hurts a lot of people that we're leaving...when we moved here the Bishop likened the relationship between a pastor and his church to a for some people this is almost like a's a very painful process even if they wish us the very best...

...there is so much I'm going to miss here...and I've already started thinking in terms of 'the last time' I'll do certain things...but we're really excited to meet our new congregation and start a new journey with them...

...I also want to apologize to you my faithful readers...for not responding to your posts as I should have over the last month or so...I have read them all...and I promise to get back on the ball with some replies soon too...

...we've been so busy getting things ready to move here and buying a house there (YES - we're homeowners once again - a home I've never set foot in (the Man has of course)) - and of course I trust his judgement completely...and really a house is just 4 walls and a roof...and it's the home that I'm interested in...what we will make of it with our own little family and our new friends... I'm expecting a chaotic Advent and Christmas season filled with lots of boxes and packing...


  1. Congratulations and good luck!

  2. Wow! What amazing news. Exciting, sad, wonderful and scary all at the same time.

    Back to Google Earth!!

  3. How wonderful for you and your family! I know you must be so happy to be nearer to family, even though you will miss those you have come to love there. I look forward to seeing your new area and home.

  4. Congratulations! how exciting! Of course I wish you were moving to Massachusetts! but WV is closer at least! LOL and so beautiful. The one time I went I fell in love! Best of luck with all the packing at this time of year, I'm sure it'll be an adventure! Congratulations!!!!!!

  5. Wow! Congratulations on an exciting new road ahead of you and the opportunity to be close to family!

    Being a PK I definitely understand how it goes, the uncertainty, the waiting to tell people. In fact my parents once bought a home sight unseen!

  6. I have to say I'd always thought we'd meet as ND and WY are so close, but my brother lives in NC---so who knows!

  7. Oh my, you have been a busy and secretive girl ;-) I am sure you're thrilled about moving closer to your family though I know it is will be hard to say goodbye to friends and flock where you are now. I know how absolutely organized you are and I'm sure everything will go as smoothly as it can. Congrats!

  8. Congratulations! I know how comforting it feels to know you are only a days drive away from family, it feels good.

  9. yay!!!!! love, k

  10. Good luck to you and your family in your new adventure. How soon will you leave.

  11. That is wonderful news! Try not to work too hard on the packing and preparations ~ it is such a busy time of year already!!

    Best of luck to you.

  12. Congratulations! Good luck to you on the move! :-)

  13. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Congrats. And good luck on the move!

  14. I am so excited for you! I am sure you will miss the family you made, but I know you will love being within a day's drive of your "east coast" family!

  15. I am so excited for you and your family! You'll be missed here in ND!

  16. Good luck and remember to be kind to yourself during the process. We moved 3 hours north last year and it's a tough process. Keeping the three of you in my prayers! Send me you new address when you're settled and I'll send you a little housewarming present :D

  17. Anonymous10:51 AM

    I have been away from reading my blogs for such a long time! I will pray for your heartache and your joy as you leave your congregational family and move closer to your kin.

  18. Good luck to you on your move! As a pastor's daughter, I know what that's like. And sadly, today was our pastor's last day at our church too and it was really sad to say goodbye to him and his family. We were an ELCA mission congregation that he started and we just moved into a church building 2 years ago. It sounds great that you will be closer to family.

  19. Congratulations! We also left our ministry setting this year, so I know how it feels. Excited to see what is ahead for you!
