Wednesday, June 06, 2012

...a new dryer vent...

...just crossing another thing off our list...the dryer vent...

...this is the (rather ingenious) way that we used to dry our clothes...the dryer vent went into a hole in this board...which fit perfectly in the just slide the window shut against the board to hold it in's kind of amazing that the judge and his wife actually did laundry this way for 40 years...but once we got into drilling the concrete wall...we were thinking that maybe we'd put up with it for a while longer...HA! really took more than twice as long as we thought it would...

...our general rule of thumb for household projects is to estimate the time you think it will take and then double's been pretty accurate even if it is sort of funny... the Man started drilling...this side...the concrete block side of the wall was pretty easy...

...and in no time at all...we had a nice round hole...

...then came the time consuming part...we drilled through the brick part of the wall...and things got a lot harder...literally...

...but we succeeded in punching a hole through that wall as well...put on the vent cover...

...and slid the dryer vent through from the outside...

...attached the flexible hose from the dryer...

...then the Man thought that the dryer hose was not very well another quick trip to the hardware store to get an elbow and an adapter and a couple of clamps and now it's sturdily finished...

...that's another thing about DIY projects...they almost always involve at least one more trip to the hardware store than you planned...HA!

...and now that the weather is nice enough to dry all the clothes outside...we have our dryer vent's nice to be ready for winter or rainy days though...

Have a lovely day!


  1. Oh, that is so true. The most used and most underestimated words - it will only take .... - ha!

    Glad to know that these things are slowly being ticked off of the list.

  2. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Just recently I found a bird's nest inside our dryer vent. Our dryer wasn't working and I got worried we would have to spend $$$$ to fix it. I happened to be outside doing something else and noticed sticks coming out of it which was weird. I lifted up the flap and some bird had shoved so much stuff in there it went back a good 5 or 6 inches. I cleared it out and the dryer works! I felt bad ruining a home though.

  3. that board idea the judge did was pretty ingenious! but i agree, that's just too much trouble. plus, i often remember to put the clothes in the dryer right at bedtime....and the board thingy would be a pain this winter when it's blowin' stink and 20 degrees! good job, as usual! love, k

  4. Nice! My husband did home repair for years, and one thing we definitely learned is that it ALWAYS takes longer than you think it's going to. There's no such thing as "Oh, I'll just..." ;)

  5. It’s nice that you got yourselves a new dryer vent. That would definitely ease things up for you, especially for your laundry needs. A word of advice, maybe you can have your vents regularly cleaned in order to prevent lint buildup which affects the performance of your dryer.

    Eric Powell

  6. Hooray for the new dryer vent! It’s nice to know that you’ve been totally prepared for the winter. I can only imagine how pressured you were when winter was fast approaching, and your dryer wasn’t working properly. Hehe! Anyway, thanks for sharing this tutorial. How are you now? :)

    Mark R

  7. True. The thing about DIY projects is that your material and work estimation rarely goes as planned. Same goes with its result. Well, at least this household project is off your list for now. Although, it’s been years, so I hope that’s still the case. Have a nice day!

    Melba Banks @ Westbrook
