Saturday, September 01, 2012

...Once in a Blue Moon...

...I love that expression...and of course Wikipedia does a good job of explaining why it's called blue (or belewe)...

...and it's actually been several 'Blue Moons' since I've been here...well not specifically here...I've only lived here a few months...but to any high school football game...

...and of course...I was not here to watch the football game anyway...I was here for something much more important...Scout's first half-time performance at a home football game...

...Here they are marching onto the field...

...I think you may have heard a bit of this song before...but it's much prettier with them all in uniform and seen from the stands like it's supposed to be...

...they were AWESOME!... won't be a blue moon before I'm here'll be about a week...

~Have a lovely weekend...


  1. They sound real good, and look good too. I knew what a blue moon was but I looked it up to see what wikipedia says. Love, MOM

  2. Oh the joys of going to events just to see the halftime shows! Looking good! Love, K

  3. Anonymous12:19 PM

    There were clouds here so I missed the blue moon. :(

  4. Such an impressive band show. They are so professional I would have loved to see them.

    I didn't see the 'blue moon', though when I learned it did not look blue I lost interest!

  5. I love the videos as the marching band is the BEST part of any football game!

  6. I heard that it was a "blue moon!"

  7. I hope Scout is loving high school!
