Saturday, January 19, 2013

...a Wisp Tee...

...y'all probably already know that my souvenir of choice is a tee-shirt...I didn't realize this about myself for many many years...but I have quite the collection of tees... Wisp last weekend we did buy Scout a souvenir tee-shirt...but I wanted just the Wisp logo...we asked at all three gift shops if they had one...and the only shirt with just the logo was a hooded was very nice...but I just don't wear hooded sweatshirts all that often... I gathered my supplies for another freezer paper stenciled tee shirt...a pink long sleeved tee...some freezer exacto iron...and some fabric paint...the little blue dots are there so that I know which side of the 'insides' of the letters are up...
...ironed on the stencil...and spounced on some paint...
...pulled off the stencil... voilĂ ...a souvenir tee-shirt...

~Have a lovely weekend!


  1. you are very nice to advertise for them! good job. love, k

  2. Not a hoody eh! I do like pink.
