Thursday, March 28, 2013

...Exploring W.V...the Riverwalk...Hike # 3...

...the final installment in our 3 hike weekend...

...we've been here before...but when we came before (again...almost a year ago) we turned left from our parking spot...and this year...we turned right...
...we crossed the Elk River bridge...
...still loving the old style street lights here...
...the first thing we saw was a kayaker on the big river (the Kanawha)...
...then we walked under the overpass...
...looking up...
looking down...
...throwing rocks...
...a working boat... old dead tree...
...the baffle of a storm drain...
...some Canadians...we used to see a lot more of these in North Dakota...
...back up and out to our car and home...

...we had a lovely weekend exploring more of our city...

...and now we're looking forward to Easter...the sweater is finished (or remade if you prefer - I'll share some pictures tomorrow of that)...and then I've got to finish the skirt to wear with it...

~Have a lovely day!

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