Tuesday, August 13, 2013


...we took the youth from our Church to the JesusFest...
...we parked the Church van and walked up the Riverwalk to the concert venue...the Riverfront Park...we've been there before...
...it's a musical festival held at the riverfront...
...it was getting crowded but we found enough seats for all of us...there were about 2 dozen from our Church...
...there were several local bands in the lineup...
...as dusk fell a barge floated by...you know I can't resist taking pictures of barges and this one was particularly impressive...
...and right at dusk...the headliner (The Rhett Walker Band) appeared...and a crowd gathered right in front of the stage...
...a gorgeous sunset transpired behind the stage...
...and boats passed in the night...

...and a very loud and fun time was had by all...

...do you like outdoor concerts?...

~Have a lovely day!

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