Monday, June 23, 2014

...Band Car Wash...

...Scout had a busy weekend...

...his regular mowing jobs in the neighborhood...and then the Band Car Wash...

...that's quite a popular fund raising event around here...they made over $200...and Scout said the highlight of the day was getting to wash a yellow corvette...
...he also did a turn holding the sign...and said that one guy wanted to make a donation instead of having his car he just threw the money out of the window as he drove by...easier to pick up some money out of the street than to wash a whole car...right...

...and then after the car wash...he got cleaned up and went to his bowling birthday was a group of teenage boys and my only involvement was that I had called the bowling alley and made the arrangements...and paid for it of course...but I have no photos...sorry...maybe Scout has some on his phone...

~Have a lovely day!

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