Friday, May 06, 2016

...Vegan Green Chile Enchiladas...

Cinco de Mayo which according to Wikipedia is "Celebration of the Mexican victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862"...and not Mexico's Independence Day...was celebrated chez Affectioknit...
...we had other things to celebrate...know what I mean...2048 - HA!
...but...I digress...I'd had this idea for Green Chile Enchiladas for a while... I fried up some corn tortillas and got started...
...I made a quick filling of spinach, tofu, onions, and green chiles...of course...
...then I made a white sauce (or gravy) with the liquid from the chiles...cashew cream...and flour...that's it...and it was so delicious...
...when it was thick I stirred in a can of green chiles...
...filled the tortillas...
...arranged them in a casserole...
...gave the sauce a final stir...
...and poured it over the enchiladas...
...and grated some Daiya cheddar on top...
...baked at 350° for about 30 minutes...until heated through and the cheese is melted and lightly browned...
...served with some of Nanny's Mexican Cornbread...
...and some 'Spanish' Rice - just steamed rice (I always use Julia's method here...because it really is always perfect...and then I stirred in some salsa and mixed veg...a pretty simple side dish...

...and then I made an horchata with some of the rice...just a half cup of cooked rice...1/16 tsp of cinnamon...1/8 tsp stevia...and two cups of water...whirled in the Vitamix...also so good...and so easy...
...and I must say that I'm so glad I have a blog that I document things like this for...
...because I'll definitely be making this again... you celebrate Cinco de Mayo?...

~Have a lovely day!

Vegan Green Chile Enchiladas

6 corn tortillas - fried in corn oil until soft...maybe lightly browned but not much...

For the filling:

10 oz. pkg frozen cut leaf spinach
1/2 pkg extra firm tofu...or one block of homemade tofu...
1/2 can of chopped green chiles
1/2 small onion chopped

For the Sauce:

Liquid from the can of chiles
2 cups cashew cream...or other vegan cream/milk...
2 Tbs all purpose flour
Salt and Pepper to taste
the other 1/2 can of chopped green chiles

Daiya Cheddar (optional)


Fill the tortillas...and arrange them in a casserole...

Stir the flour into the green chile liquid until there are no lumps...use a whisk...then pour in the cashew cream...and cook of medium heat until thick...then add the 1/2 can of green chiles...give the sauce a final stir...and pour it over the casserole...

...grate some Daiya cheddar on top if desired...

...baked at 350° for about 30 minutes...

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