Wednesday, March 29, 2017

...2017 Easter Sweater...and the split-apart yarn... soon as I saw this sweater I knew that I wanted to knit go with a certain suit...that I spent way too much money on...many years ago...and hardly ever wear... y'all have any items in your wardrobe like that?...

...thankfully I don't have many...'s the 23-8 Sleeveless Sweater by Pierrot (Gosyo Co., Ltd)...not sure why it's sideways...
...but it's a Japanese really much of a pattern...

...and I knew that I wanted to knit it in a nice soft white cotton...but I didn't have any...and it's actually not that easy to find...the mercerized crochet cottons are the right gauge...but not soft enough...and the Sugar and Cream that I use for dishcloths is soft enough...but worsted weight... know what I did...I took the cotton that I had on the spool...and split it apart...using an old drop spindle and two cardboard spools... was way easier than you think...just a few mindless minutes in front of the TV...and I had two spools of two-strand super soft white cotton...and...the ability to 'make' more if I needed to... then...I got out a shirt that I like the fit of...I know it's a ratty old T-shirt...
....but it doesn't matter...I just want the measurements...
...charted those out...
...knitted a swatch for gauge...
...and started knitting...with a double hem...
...that's the only tedious part...
...the rest of the sweater should be pretty it's mostly stockinette...and then a twisted rib yoke...

...what's in your workbasket?...

~Have a lovely day!

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