Monday, April 03, 2017

...a FRUGAL probiotic yogurt breakthrough...

...y'all have seen this I take soymilk...sometimes homemade...and sometimes from a carton...
...heat it to a little over 100 degrees...
...and stir in a probiotic powder...
...then after the yogurt matures on the counter overnight...
...I put it into a muslin lined sieve and let it drain for a bit... make the most perfectly smooth textured and thick yogurt...
...and then I always have this soy whey left over...and I thought I was being pretty frugal by just using it up in cornbread and biscuits as a buttermilky tasting liquid...because the probiotic pills are pretty 'spendy' as they'd say in North Dakota...

...but guess what... can use this whey to make more yogurt...
...just pour it into some warmed soymilk...and it curdles almost immediately...
...then I let it set in the oven overnight...
...with just the light on for a little warmth...
...and I have perfectly tart yogurt to start the process all over again...

...I don't know how long you can repeat the process...but I know from experience using the previous batch of homemade yogurt that eventually it looses it's oomph...and you have to start over with fresh yogurt...and that may happen with this method as well...I'll keep you posted...but for now I'm thrilled to be able to use up the whey and get more yogurt in the bargain...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

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