Monday, March 12, 2018

...Over the Weekend...

...Scout's Spring Break only overlapped with his West Virginia friends over the weekend... we had a house full of boys...
...really only at they were out during the day and evening...
...but we did have waffles for breakfast Saturday...and they were going to stay until this morning but because of the snow forecast they left yesterday evening...still it was super nice to have them and I'm happy that Scout got to reconnect with his WV friends...

...and I did a lot of the things I always

...I made another batch of probiotic yogurt...
...the consistency of this soy yogurt was perfect...I think it's the thickest I've made yet...but I still took about half of it to make some vegan/soy cream cheese...
...and then this morning it really did snow a little bit here...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

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