Monday, April 30, 2018

...Over the weekend...

...I made some easy vegan ricotta...
...just homemade soy milk...lemon juice and salt...what could be easier?...
...and then using the rest of the soymilk...I made some vegan probiotic yogurt...
...and drained that to the consistency that we like best...somewhere between greek yogurt and regular yogurt...
..and of course I keep the leftover whey for making biscuits and cornbread...
...I peeled a big butternut squash...
...and roasted him in my favorite clay roaster with some rosemary and olive oil...
...along with some eggplant...for hummus...of course...and a lone sweet potato...
..and the seeds from the squash...also...of course...
...the squash smells so delicious...
...oh...and I learned/figured out...a new way to slice a pepper...y'all probably were doing it 'right' all along...but I was not...I was cutting the stem out and then kind of reaching in and pulling all the innards out...and then slicing it...but I figured that you can put it on it's bottom and hold it by the stem and just peel away all of the green part from the white part and's very neat...and unless I need rings or a whole pepper for stuffing this is how I'm going to do it...
...and while the oven was on...I baked a couple of potatoes...
...and they were HUGE!...
...and made vanilla wafers for another banana pudding...I'm obsessed with banana pudding...I think...
...sautéed a packet of pre-sliced mushrooms...
...just to have on hand...they're delicious on top of grilled tofu...
...I think that's it on the food prep front...but here are a couple of photos of progress on the Parish Hall...I'm amazed at how quickly it's moving along...the new windows are in...
...and the new ramp to the back door and bathroom area is complete...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

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