Monday, September 03, 2018

...Over the Weekend...

...ready for some randomness...
...we got a bag of fresh okra and a bag of huge tomatoes on our doorstep... of course I made some 'fried' (foreman grilled) okra... was crispy and always...
...I made Banana's the Veganomicon version...'s a link to one of my favorite vegan You-tubers making this bread - The Vegan Test Kitchen...he lists the recipe...
...I chopped some pecans...
...and I topped the loaf with whole halves...but they separated funnily during the baking...
...banana bread smells so good perfumes the whole house... soon as it was cool enough to cut...but still warm...I cut the heel's my favorite...and truth be told no one else wants it...
...action shot...(I just said that because it's blurry) was delicious...
...the Man and I sat outside Saturday for a long time...
...watching the sky... was storming off in the distance and there was a lovely cool breeze...
...I ate the last of this year's cherries... update of my sweet avocado plant that I grew from a seed...he's doing pretty well...his name is Douglas...
...and finally after Church one of our sweet ladies brought this plant by for me...

...she said it's called "Kiss me Over the Garden Gate"...and this cutting is from a plant that is over 200 years old...from one of the original homesteads in this rural area... doesn't look anything like the one they are selling by that name...but is what this vine is called...

~Wishing you a lovely start to your week!

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