Thursday, January 31, 2019

...W.I.A.Y. ...

...welcome to another full day of vegan eats chez Affectioknit...
...we started the day with a smoothie...
...which we should probably do every day...but it doesn't always seem that way in the wintertime...when it's so cold outside... a little bit later in the morning...we had some nice vegan biscuits and gravy...yummy...warm...and comforting...
...I made a cucumber and tomato salad with store bought tomatoes and cucumbers... was leftover pinto bean soup...spinach and sweet potato...and tomato and cucumber salad...

...and that was quite filling...and I didn't have any afternoon snack at all...
...and dinner was the Man's idea...he's been eating a lot more tofu than he used to...he never was really a fan...but now likes it in Mexican or Asian inspired dishes...

...and this recipe was straight off the tofu box... we made huge burritos with that...and served it with all the fixin's...
...and again no real snack before bed...but I did mix a little bit of cocoa...a spoonful or so...into a cup of hot peppermint was delicious...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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