Friday, February 12, 2021

...2.12...Friday Favorites...Dear Friends...far away...

...Carolyn and I have been friends since about 1990 or so...we worked together at the hospital...and we were pregnant with our boys at the same time...usually when I'm up in the mountains visiting Mom...I call her and she'll either come over to Mom's for tea...or we'll meet up somewhere to catch up on each other's lives...but this past year has made meet ups difficult...she still works in healthcare so she's been vaccinated already...and I'm still in phase it's likely going to be summer before I'm vaccinated... were chatting about the kiddos the other day...and she mentioned that she'd just read this Blue Zone book...and it has a whole section on of the Blue Zones...

...and then guess what...a couple of days later...the book arrived in the mail...
...with a sweet note from my friend... that...

~Have a lovely day!

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