Thursday, February 03, 2022

...2.3...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...breakfast was some homemade bread toasted with Earth Balance...and a bowl of mixed cereal and oats...with almond milk...and the container of raisins is there...because...I like exactly one raisin per spoonful of cereal...haha...and it's easier to just apply it to the spoon before it goes into my mouth...the Man thinks this is hilarious...and I guess so do I...haha...
...later in the morning...I made a glass of chocolate milk...with Abuelita chocolate...I'm happy that Food Lion now carries Abuelita chocolate in these little octagon blocks...because that's the way I first had it...Daddy had been on one of his many trips to Juarez...and he brought some's got just a hint of cinnamon...and my teenage self thought it was just so exotic and delicious...and it always makes me think of Daddy...

...I drank this glass as cold chocolate milk...but because it's a solid chocolate you have to heat it up with a little bit of hot almond milk to get it to melt...

...and Peta Latino lists Abuelita chocolate as vegan....
...I made a vegan vanilla pudding using up some of the vegan vanilla wafers we'd gotten from Mom's...
...and put that into the fridge to chill...we had it for...I guess you'd say a snack...between dinner and bedtime...
...and lunch was some leftover Camembert Quiche...spinach...a few leftover carrots...and some leftover sauteed peppers and onions...
...for a snack in the afternoon...I just microwaved one of those frozen packets of edamame...I love salty and fun to eat...back when we used to go out to eat...before the pandemic...haha...I used to get them as an appetizer anytime we went out for Asian food...the Man never I ate the whole bowl myself...
...and then for dinner...I made a pot of rice...steamed some broccoli and added some cheeze sauce...mixed up some vegan stuffing and baked a Chick-un patty...

...and then as previously mentioned we ate the banana was so delicious...I really do love banana pudding...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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