Thursday, April 14, 2022

...4.14...What I Ate in a a Vegan... we enter the Great Three Days...things will be kinda quiet here for a bit...
...breakfast was just homemade soy yogurt...with some strawberries blended in...
...I just use the immersion blender for that...
...and added a handful of bran flakes...this is almost like having a fruit's creamy and delicious...and dessert-like...
...and then lunch was just leftovers...TVP chili - which was so so good...and a bowl of lima beans and a bowl of tea...I think I may be addicted to rice...I love it so much...just plain with salt and Earth good...
...afternoon snack was a cup-cake...or cake-in-a-cup...I just take a couple of spoonfuls of a vegan cake mix...and add enough water to make a batter...this one is a spice cake...and then I microwave it for a minute...what could possibly be easier than that...with tea of course...
...and then dinner...was some baked tofu...with Heinz 57 sauce...macaroni with almond milk and EB...salt and pepper...and a big salad of mixed greens spinach and an orange...I love fruit with salad...and a dish of crudités with some vegan ranch dip...

...we have Maundy Thursday service tonight with the stripping of the altar...then Good Friday I'll be back on Monday...probably with a nice long Over-the-Weekend/Easter post...haha...

~Wishing you a lovely Easter weekend...

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