Thursday, June 16, 2022

...6.16...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...Daddy's breakfast...Cheerios with banana and almond milk...and an apple...and tea...of course...
...and for lunch I was trying to set the record for the most bland coloured foods eaten at one meal...haha...really just trying to use up all the leftovers...

...that's a delicious peanut butter protein shake in Mom's pretty crystal pilsner...made by the Man...and then there's rice and tofu...some homemade bread toast...and the leftover cauliflower funny that they were all such light colours... after that relatively bland lunch...I was craving some fresh for afternoon snack...I had a big plate of lettuce an orange and a pear...and some walnuts and tea...of was so delicious...
...dinner was InstaPot pintos, greens and cornbread...mostly stems...and beets...just buttered with Earth Balance...and tea...of course...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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