Thursday, August 11, 2022

...8.11...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...breakfast was just an everything bagel...vegan cream cheese, tea (of course) and a banana...
...lunch was ramen noodles with some frozen peas tossed in...and a couple of pieces of baked tofu...and tea...
...still counting this deconstructed salad as lunch even though it was actually eaten a couple of hours later...
...dinner was some bean soup from the freezer...a slice of homemade bread...a BIG salad...and tea...
...a couple of snacks...the Man often makes a 'milkshake' in the afternoon...and we often share it...this one is peanut butter and favorite...
...and then after supper...but not really dessert...I got one of my 'hockey pucks' out of the freezer...this one is just some cooked bulghur wheat frozen in a muffin cup...I sprinkled on some cinnamon and brown sugar...
...and heated it in the made a satisfying's good for breakfast too...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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