Thursday, September 22, 2022

...9.22...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...we love this new (to us) Cinnamon Kashi I had that pretty early in the morning...
...and then before proper lunchtime...I was I made a sort of big breakfast...using up the last of the blueberry bread...and a tofu scramble...and the Man was making a smoothie and gave me half of a banana that he didn't need...
...and then for dinner...we made this recipe from the new little vegan cookbook...
...the sauce is delicious and tastes exactly like a Chinese restaurant sauce...
...and I Griddler-ed my cauliflower instead of blanching it like the recipe says...
...because carmelized veg (anything really) is just better...
...add that to the sauce...
...and serve it over rice...we also had a big salad...and tofu and an apple with some walnuts...
...and for some reason...we have two open bags of rice... was really delicious...and I'll definitely be making it again...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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