Monday, January 16, 2023 FIFTEEN...

...a quick breakfast of cafe au (soy)lait...and an orange...
...and we headed to the caves...
...there were lots of photo opportunities like this one...
...and there were some sea snakes...
...and regular snakes you could view...and some you could pet...
...some instructional videos...all in the animal area...which Big Sissie wanted to see first before the caves...
...then we headed into the caves...
...which is always a neat experience... other-wordly...
....stalagtites...and mites...
...some information on pre-history...
...down further into the caves... underground waterfall... could take 'exploratory' cave tours into the un-pathed areas of the caves...we did not...
...there were some of the blind albino looking creatures too... reminded me of the Linville Caverns in North Carolina all those years ago...
...they had some blind little fishes as well...
...and there was a nice escalator to bring us back to the surface...
...and then after all the animals which were kind of a bonus surprise...there was also a pretty amazing botanical area as well...
...mostly local fruits...pineapples...
...and star fruit...
...and lychees...
...and can actually pay to pick-your-own oranges here the way you can with apples in the mountains back home...
...and bananas...
...and on our way out they gave us one of the photos they had taken when we's a really good photo too...

~Have a lovely day!

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