Thursday, February 16, 2023

... 2.16...What I ate in a a Vegan...

...I had a bowl of cheeze-y grits for first breakfast...just grits and Daiya cheddar...
...then for second breakfast...or you may call it a mid morning snack...I had a piece of toast/peanut butter/flaxseeds/banana...and more tea...

...oh...and that's my daily Brazilnut for my daily dose of Brazilnut gives you 100% of the RDA...
...and then I made a quick vegan mushroom soup for lunch... was so delicious...
...and I crumbled a bunch of saltine crackers into you do that with your mushroom soup too?...
...afternoon snack was just a nice thick slab of baked tofu with a drizzle of BBQ was a good and satisfying snack...
...and dinner was...well...just pretty weird...even for me...haha...

...I just sautéed some Ham TVP with some water...and heated up a frozen vegan biscuit to go with that...and made some frozen corn...and a big salad too...and just reheated some leftover creamed was all good...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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