Thursday, February 23, 2023

...2.23...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...I had an everything bagel and vegan cream cheese...from the Uncheese Cookbook... was yummy...
...midmorning I had a piece of cheese toast...a yummy snack... then I wasn't very hungry for I just had a Boca Chik'n pattie on a bun...
...afternoon snack was a big mug of cocoa...the Abuelita kind...I first had this cocoa as a teenager when Daddy brought some home from one of his trips to Mexico... sweet and good...and actually a pretty substantial snack...
...I Griddler-ed some sweet the perfect level of carmelized sweetness...
....and had that with some 'fried' cabbage...tunisien bread and tofu...and a big salad...

...what did you eat yesterday?

~Have a lovely day!

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