Thursday, April 13, 2023

...4.13...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...for breakfast...I had a bowl of cornbread and milk...almond milk...and tea...
...snack was my favorite mix of oats/nuts/dates...
...lunch was a Daiya pizza...I didn't eat the whole thing...
...the Man and I both had a sweet potato with our Easter feast and we neither one I saved them...and Griddlered the leftover baked sweet potatoes...
...and it made this chewy sweet and good...
...for dinner I used the Griddler again...and made a cabbage 'steak'...and some California mixed veg...
...which we had with baked tofu and a big salad...
...I made a vegan ranch dressing for the salad...and it was so good...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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