Thursday, May 11, 2023

...5.11...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

...first of all...I drank my water and took my vitamins...then I drank two LARGE mugs of coffee...with about 1 cup of Silk Protein in each that was about 20 grams of protein right there...and pretty filling...and I was pretty well caffeinated for the day...haha...
...mid morning I had a bowl of plain rice with a dollop of Earth Balance...I looooove rice so much...
...for lunch I had the last slice of the casserole from the Mother's Day celebration with my family at Mom's...still delish...
...mid afternoon...I heated up the leftover cheeze-y (a.k.a. nooch-y) broccoli soup...thinking that I would finish it off...
...but it really was at least two healthy sized servings so I did not finish it...but that's ok...I'll it up leftover again...haha...
...and then for dinner...just a typical vegan dinner of baked tofu...Griddler-ed sweet potato...spinach...salad...and homemade mustard-y vinaigrette dressing...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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