Wednesday, June 21, 2023

...6.21...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...sorry no Tuesdays with Julia post...we just got home from our weekend getaway...and I didn't have anything planned or shopped how about some underwear photos instead...haha...

...and when I wore my slip to Church last Sunday...ahemmm...I realized that it seriously needed some help...'s over 20 years old...and the straps (just ribbons really)...have frayed and were being held in place by saftey pins...not a pretty look for a slip at all...even if it is 20 years old...

...but since there's really nothing else wrong with the slip...of course I don't want to just replace it... I left it on the table over the weekend know so I wouldn't forget to work on it...and I just snipped off the ribbon-straps...and studied how those plastic/clip/slider thing-ys work...
...cut two new ribbon-straps from some white ribbon that I happened to's a little bit wider...but I think that will actually be helpful for holding them at a fixed position...
...all done...I know they're not exactly the same colour...but a few trips throught the laundry will probably take care of that...and I'm really happy with the fix and I'm sure I'll enjoy wearing the slip a lot more now...

...what's in your workbasket this week?...

~Have a lovely day!...Happy Summer!

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