Thursday, July 20, 2023

...7.20...the view...

...looking east out our 'kitchen' window at the Sandia–Manzano Mountains...right at dawn...the sun hasn't yet risen above the peaks...Our Airman and I both noticed that there's a lone boot standing up out in the middle of that field...
...I know today is supposed to be What I Ate in a Day...and I'll do a food post...but I haven't compiled those photos yet...but this was my breakfast...the hotel has a really good we've been getting up at about 5:45 each morning to meet Our Airman in the lobby for a big breakfast together before he heads to his classes for the day...I had oatmeal with a BUNCH of toppings...apriocots, coconut, walnuts, pepitas (they're salted ones), raisins and was really good...and then I also had some apple cereal with Oat happy that they had that both for cereal and coffee...I also got a banana and peanut butter but I'll eat that for a morning snack a little bit later... rained!!!...for about 2 minutes...still it was pretty exciting as a few drops hit the windows and some actually hit the ground...Our Airman says it often rains up in the sky...but the water never makes it to the earth...the sky was so pretty and pink too...
...another rather fuzzy photo from the kitchen window...later in the day...but the sky and the mountains are gorgeous...

~Have a lovely day!

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