Saturday, September 23, 2023

...9.23...Dinner and a Movie...

...I had a Griddler-ed sweet potato...perfectly carmelized...
...grilled tofu...and a deconstructed salad...I just take romain leaves and dip them into the homemade chips and dip...I almost prefer it to a 'regular' salad because I feel like I can control the amount of dressing better...
...I know that doesn't look like much food...but I had snacked around all afternoon...eating most of this plate of chocolate I didn't need to eat much more...

...we made popcorn to go with the 'movie' too...
...lots of Earth Balance poured's so good...

...and it was the Man's choice...and he chose the Nixon documentary on PBS...defnitely a lot of things to think about and discuss...I think it's always good to look at history to help you interpret today's events...

...what have you been watching lately?...

~Have a lovely weekend!

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