Thursday, November 09, 2023

...11.9...What I Ate in a a Vegan...

Subtitle: Using up whatever is in the freezer...
...started the day with Daddy's breakfast...Cheerios and a banana...
...we have a fulll sized freezer here at the parsonage...and we are not planning on having one at the new we pretty much need to use up EVERYTHING in that freezer...we are daunted to say the least...but hopefully we can plow through most of it...for lunch I had a couple of the Beyond Chick'n strips on a bun...
...and then for dinner...I decided to make a smoothie using up some pineapple, blackberries and blueberries from the freezer...I'll probably do this a few more times...
...and then I also crammed a whole package of frozen green beans and a whole package of Brussels sprouts onto the Griddler...
...and made a pot of rice...and that was supper...
...I think the only snack I had all day was this two part whole wheat homemade toast...half with vegan Chao cheese and half with banana/flax/peanut butter...

...what did you eat yesterday?...

~Have a lovely day!

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