Wednesday, December 13, 2023

...12.13...W.I.P. Wednesday...

...well...not a stitch has been knit this week...but I'm not worried about it...there will be a time for knitting soon...haha...

...but tremendous progress has been made clearing out the basement... here's a reminder of the before...YIKES!!!
...the boxes and totes along the back wall are the only...ONLY things going on the truck...the stuff in the front is for one last trip to goodwill...
...I texted this photo to our I was sure he wouldn't believe it...haha...
...the table will stay with the parsonage it wasn't ours...and the few boxes on it are some more things I found that belong to Our Airman so I'll drop them off at his storage unit when I take the rest of the stuff to Goodwill...

~Have a lovely day!

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