Thursday, December 28, 2023

...12.28...What We Ate...the first day in the new house...

...I made overnight oats for breakfast...because one of the things I couldn't fit in the new freezer was this bag of mixed I put it in the fridge so as not to waste it...and it thawed we used that up...I also have one thawed bag of broccoli and one of lima beans and corn that still need to be used up...haha...
...for lunch we had veggie burgers and tater tots...freeing up a small amount of freezer space...I think I'll put the Christmas dishes away in the cabinet above the fridge...along with a few other seasonal and seldom used dishes that we kept in the basement at the parsonage...
...and the Man had ordered this spice mix...and we sprinkled it over some seitan beef bites...

...another couple of things I noticed in this photo...that's the Man's foot at the top...but this amazing...

...I'm going to have to do some research as I don't even know what it's called...I'd call it a 'soft-edged' tile...I've done a LOT of tile work in my rather long lifetime...haha...and I've never seen a tile like this...there is no sharp edge or angle where the tile meets the it feels super smooth underfoot...I'll do a post about it with some better pictures later... we had that with mashed potatoes...spinach and a salad...

...what did you eat yesterday...

...also I'm thinking of changing this post up a bit...and instead of trying to capture everything I eat in just one just doing a sort of general post once a week of delicious vegan food we ate...let me know what you think...I don't want things to get too same-y...

...and of course...once I get my kitchen sorted at the new house...I'll be back in the kitchen with Julia to finish up that project...

~Have a lovely day!

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